Due to the generous help of one of our parishioners and the good work of over 30 volunteers, we now have an outdoor worship space under tents, where we can celebrate our Masses. Our Sunday schedule continues to be the same as recent weeks and our weekday Masses are at 8:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. We are also celebrating funerals, weddings and baptisms in our temporary outdoor chapel. In the next few weeks, we have the blessing of celebrating adult Sacraments of Initiation, First Communions and Confirmations.
Reservations are no longer needed for our Masses. Attendance is not limited as long as everyone wears a face covering and we practice social distancing. We can comfortably accommodate about 85 under the tents for each Mass with room for more parishioners in the shaded hallways of our Religious Education Center. We sanitize all the chairs before and after every service and we continue to live-stream our Masses on Sunday.
We are grateful to those who continue to support our parish through your Sunday offerings, whether it is through the Sunday Mass collection, e-giving, through the mail or at the parish office. Know that you are all in our prayers and please keep us in yours. Blessings to all.