After almost three months we are blessed to now be able to take first steps in reopening our church. On Monday, June 8th we will begin celebrating a daily 8:30 a.m. Mass with a limit of 100 persons attending. This will be on a first come, first served, basis. The doors to the church will open at 8 a.m. The church will also be open for personal visitations from Monday–Friday from 9–11 a.m. and 2–4 p.m.
We will begin celebrating Sunday Masses on the weekend of June 13–14, again with a limit of 100 persons attending. We wish that we did not have to limit attendance to 100, but for the sake of protecting everyone’s health, we are complying with the civil law and the directives of our Archdiocese. As you can imagine, it will not be easy to limit our Masses to 100. So to be fair and to have some organization about this endeavor, it will be necessary to register on-line for every Sunday Mass.
These registrations will begin on Tuesday, June 9that 9 a.m. for the Masses on June 13–14. For Masses on succeeding Sundays, registrations will begin on the Tuesday before. Everyone must be registered, no one will be allowed in the church for our Sunday Masses without a confirmed reservation. To hold your reservation, you must arrive at least 5 minutes before the Mass starts or your place will be given to those on a waiting list.
We also want you to know that, in order to allow sufficient time to sanitize the church between our Masses, we have temporarily revised our Sunday Mass schedule as follows:
Due to the need to sanitize the church and the restrooms before and after each Mass, everyone will be asked to leave the church at the end of Mass and the church will not be opened until 30 minutes before the next Mass. Everyone will be required to enter through the front entrance and to show your confirmed reservation. Masks must be worn and hands must be sanitized upon entering the church. At the end of Mass, everyone will be directed to leave through the side exit doors.
The registration process is straightforward and hopefully will be easy enough for you to fill out. However, if you need help, please call our parish office and our secretaries will be happy to assist you.
We remind you that older parishioners who have underlying health conditions and all those who are experiencing any type of sickness or have been exposed to sickness in the family are asked to stay at home. The dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation extends as long as there are limitations on Sunday Mass attendance.
We thank you for your patience and cooperation and we thank our God that we are finally able to begin the process of reopening our church. We look forward to gathering together once again and pray God’s blessings on all of you.